Toddler Shows

Our shows for Toddlers

Encourage children’s awareness of the arts and culture in early childhood center (CPE and daycare)


Original activities, adapted to thier rhythms and very colorfull to stimulate their fertile  imagination in constant learning. Our shows are filled with strong images, kindness, joy and laughter.

Why not combine a show and circus workshops for a complete cultural experience ?

C’est à moi – Circus, magic and puppets – 50 min.

Public : 0-5 years *Also available for Christmas and Halloween*

spectacle Halloween

A touching and fun story full of teaching :

Kazou comes face to face with a strange animal holding a magic ball …. Curious she absolutely wants to take it and do what she wants with it … but Touski, this unique animal, is not of the same opinion.

Kazou will have to learn to ask nicely, respect the good will of her new friend and above all lend his toys! Then put them away? Of course and all that in a good mood!

Will she get there? Helped by the children who know the good deeds and encouraged by her new friend, she should get there … The children, amazed, will talk about it all week : why not take the opportunity to open a talking circle with the children and their educators?

A circus show (clown, juggling, manipulation of objects) specially designed for toddlers which addresses several themes, all punctuated by circus demonstrations and interactions with children: managing anger, lending toys, puting away , Being polite and courteous, respect nature …

Technical needs: Click here to see technical sheet

Available in French and/or English

Possibility of extending the service by:

Les manigances de Géraldine – Circus, magic, music and danse – 45 min

Public : 0 – 6 years *Also available for Christmas and Halloween*

spectacle garderie

C’est la fête de Géraldine ! Elle vous amène dans ses délires, montrant ses talents de magicienne, musicienne, jongleuse et danseuse…. 

Un délice enrobé de son charme clownesque pétillant. Toujours prête à se faire de nouveaux amis, elle vous accueillera avec son immense sourire contagieux.

Show available in french and/or english

Technical needs :

  • Un espace propre et dégagé de 7m x 5m (22 x 16′)
  • Une loge avec miroir, toilette, collations et eau potable
  • Une prise de courant avec rallonge si besoin

M. Blue et les apprentis détectives – Magic – 45 min.

Public : 0-5 years *Also available for Christmas and Halloween*

Monsieur Bleu is looking for new apprentice detectives to help him accomplish his missions. He will teach the 3 basic rules: observe, listen and use imagination!

Children will be transported into a universe that defies the laws of gravity and arouses their curiosity. They will be able to see impressive card tricks, bird appearances, magic karate, the spectacular escape from handcuffs and the mysterious flying table … And all this with a good dose of humor!

A colorful and funny show that will captivate the little ones and, who knows, perhaps make them want to become magicians or detective in their turn?

Show only available indoor – in French and / or English

Technical needs: Click here to see technical sheet

Some examples of rates

Prices before transport, before taxes (for information only)
$700/performance Daycare/CPE
$850/performance Daycare/CPE
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  • Short version : 0-2 years +
  • Regular version : 3-5 years
  • Contact Us
$900/artist CPE show + workshops
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  • Regular version +
  • circus workshops : 3 or 4 groups
  • 10 children max per group
  • Contact Us
$850/performance Public Event

Entertaining and original! Nice approach with toddlers, well suited to their age and brings something new!


Nadia Lachance – Educational and technical support consultant – CPE Blainville


The children really enjoyed the performance and are still talking about your magic ball (this part of the show seems to have marked them a lot).

We really liked the show, it was very fun and different. You were able to include some elements to involve the children and that made the performance interactive to everyone’s delight. The music was lively, the sound system was perfect, your speaking speed too and you were very dynamic which captured everyone’s attention.

Thank you !


Mélanie Sauvé – Responsable pédagogique – CPE Cadet-Rousselle